Google Search Console Updates for 2019

Google Search Console Updates

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Google Search Console has migrated Search Analytics from the old Search Console to the new Search Console in the Performance Reports. Check your new site out in Google Search Console (

As we move into 2019, the new Google Search Console will contain more reporting and features available to webmasters. Below is a list of the changes made in Google Search Console with a comparison.

New Search Console Reports:

  • Performance – This report replaced Search Analytics
  • Individual Enhancement reports – This report replaced Rich Cards
  • Links – This report replaced Links to your Site and Internal links
  • Index Coverage Status – This report replaced Index status
  • Sitemaps – This report replaced Sitemaps report
  • AMP Status – This report replaced Accelerated Mobile Pages
  • Manual Actions – This report replaced Manual Actions
  • URL Inspection tool – This report replaced Fetch as Google
  • Mobile Usability – This report replaced Mobile Usability

There are also unsupported features in Google Search Console that could possibly be supported in 2019. Here are some features that aren’t yet supported in new Search Console. To use them you will have to use the old Search Console, for now.

New Google Search Console Unsupported Features:

  • Crawl Stats data (pages crawled per day, KB downloaded per day, page download times)
  • Robots.txt tester
  • Managing URL parameters in Google Search
  • International targeting (managing hreflang tags or setting a preferred target country)
  • Data highlighter tool
  • HTML improvements
  • Reading and managing your messages
  • Change of address tool
  • Setting preferred domain
  • Associating your Search Console property with an Analytics property
  • Disavow links
  • Removing outdated content from the index
  • Property sets
  • Blocked resources report
  • Structured data report

For now, many of the old Google Search Console will need to be used to gather this data. As we move deeper into 2019, we will see more of these features available in the new Google search console.

If you need to bounce back and forth between the Old Google Search Console and the New Google Search console, you can do so at the bottom left of your Google Search Console Control Panel screen.


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